Sunday, 17 November 2013

Reflection on year 1, and ambition for year 2

So I’m back fresh and slightly terrified after a long yet very quick summer break. On receiving my results I suddenly realised just how much this course asks of me. I felt I worked myself the hardest throughout my entire educational journey for this course and yet I scraped by with a minuscule pass mark…oh dear.

This truly scared into thinking I seriously need to up my game. Even though I felt it was the hardest I’ve ever worked (and it was) I can still see where I needed to pick up the slack. Better planning and consistency are key I think. I made a habit of not starting things right away, as well as spending more time and effort on some projects rather than others. Balancing time is so crucial on this course and I need to be incredibly strict just too even begin to pull it off.

I’m not really majorly happy with any of the work I did in the first year, which is something that needs to change for the second year. This is when we start to think about portfolio and employment, which in itself, seems incredibly daunting. I feel I will never be prepared enough for work in this industry. I guess that’s what the second year is for. I just hope it works out that way.

So it’s all up to me. Only I can make whatever I want from this course. Starting with better organisation. I find that I spend more time on 3D work, simply because it is my weakest suit. I panic and stress to the point where I’ve completed a task that still looks shockingly bad, but also has left me no time for any other work. Clever I know. So, I guess I need to spread my time and effort more effectively. Possibly find time to practice my own skills, the things I enjoy the most, like tradition 2d as well as digital painting.

I need to re-realise why I chose this course in the first place. I got caught up in the work load and completely forgot why I signed up in the first place. I aim to be a concept artist, to be even more specific, a character concept artist. That was my main inspiration all along. Those characters I drew throughout my school years because school was just so painfully dull and I wish I focused on that more. I hope that with focus on employment this year, as well as an opportunity to do some awesome work for portfolio. I think a big thing to keep in mind is stress. I refuse to stress this year, as I have a personal situation that comes with all the downs I can handle.

My boyfriend is a soldier and is on tour to Afghanistan. I had to deal with this last year too but only for the first month or so. This time round, he’ll be away for my whole second year. This sucks because he always puts so much faith in me and tells me that I can do anything I set my mind to. If anything, I want to do well in this course for him, to prove that he was right all along.

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