My brother being my main link to gaming has hindered my knowledge of all the games out there. For example, he wasn’t a Legend of Zelda fan, and yet everybody claims it’s one of, if not, the best game of all time, and yet because of my brothers taste I never knew the joys of Zelda until recently and therefor I was led to be believe otherwise to who owns the best game ever title.
My first gaming experience ever, would probably be, again watching my brother play on the Sega mega drive. A games console that I have grown up knowing and playing games such as Sonic 2, Streets of rage 1 and 2, Micro Machines and my mother’s personal favourite, Columns. My first exposure to games would’ve been this, even though I can’t quite remember. But I’ve been told countless times of the stories where I pulled my mother’s hair as my brother was thrashing her on Micro Machines. Did anything to help my brother succeed, he must have trained me.
My first memory of a game would probably be Resident Evil. No prizes for guessing why I remember it. Obviously a terrifying game for anyone let alone a 6 or 7 year old. Not too sure how young I was when I was first ever exposed to it but I know my brother was 12 when he first played it. Another game I can remember from an early age was Silent Hill 2, again, for the same reasons for Resident Evil. I’ll always remember the scene that frightened me the most. It’s the scene where you come across your first enemy. I literally ran out of the room I was that terrified. O_O However, another thing I remember thinking about that game in particular, was that the graphics in the cut scenes looked incredibly realistic for its time. Especially the opening scene that introduces the main character, James.
Another game from my childhood and quite possibly the most important game in my life was of course, Final Fantasy VII. I’m not going to go into detail; I’ve done it in other posts and I’m getting sick of explaining myself, but I think this game is the blue print of my ideal game. An incredibly deep and engaging story line, with a wonderful world filled with so much beauty and breath taking atmosphere, teamed with a group of lovable characters. The only thing that was missing were great graphics and talented voice acting. There were rumours of a remake, but the rumours were soon put to bed. According to Wikipedia, the rumour was sparked after the release of a video featuring the opening scene from the original game but using PS3 graphics. It was soon stated that at that time, there were far too many other projects that were happening and that there would simply be no time to start a remake project of such a long game any time soon. I would’ve loved to have seen this, but I can’t help but think it could potentially ruin the game, but I guess we’ll never know.
Let’s skip ahead to when I first started properly playing games. I dabbled here and there with a few titles. One I particularly loved was Guitar Hero. I love rock music and I thought the idea of appearing to play a guitar in front of a crowd was such an awesome idea. I played a few of the Sims instalments, but I think it was when I got a Nintendo DS Lite one Christmas. I had a collection of games for it, Tomb Raider Legend, Scribblenaugt, Final Fantasy 3, Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda and the Phantom Hourglass, a couple Sims games, and even my old nemesis, Resident Evil 1, which was exactly the same as the original, and yet I conquered my fear and completed it, near enough, just had to kill the last boss. No health in sight though, so I took it as a victory for getting through the whole game and gave myself a pat on the back.
Next console I had was a Nintendo wii. As well as this I’d have a sneaky go on my brothers PS3 to play Devil May Cry 4. I completed that numerous times on all levels of difficulty. Probably one of my first proper gaming experiences.
However, I discovered my first purchased game that I bought and got obsessed with. I did every single little bit of it. Usually I don’t bother with these and just do the main story but I got hooked and consumed. I don’t think this game was highly praised but I loved it. It’s called No More Heroes for the wii. It had such a unique look that I found really appealing. It had a comic book style, full of action and violence but it didn’t take itself seriously and did really well to keep it fun. I loved it, yet the sequel didn’t quite engross me as much. So it has been left uncompleted.
Ever since then I revisited a few games of my brothers, like Final fantasy 10, which I managed to complete and was quite proud of myself for doing so.
Ever since that however. I haven’t really touched a game properly for a while. However I have begun to like watching ‘Lets Plays’ and ‘Walk Through’s’ on YouTube. It goes back to when I watched my brother on games and just enjoyed the story. I do think I prefer watching to playing, but there are some games in this world that you just have to play.
But it’s clear that computer games have been a big part of my life. They’ve influenced me since before I can remember, and I hope they continue to throughout my time on this course and in whatever career I find myself in at the end of it.
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