Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Back into it! (PBR textures)

So here it is, the big finale…3rd year. Our first project was an introduction to Unreal Engine 4, mainly importing textures. The textures in UE4 differ to what we have been already taught, but only slightly. Mainly just that the names of the textures differ.
We were asked to produce 9 textures to apply to ready built material balls in engine.   

UE4 has real-time reflections built into the level, which adds a really nice touch to the effected textures. It allows to make highly realistic materials with little work in the textures themselves. 

The 9 textures I had to create were PVC Plastic, Car Paint, Rust, Wax, Leather, Stone, Gold, Iron and Copper. Below are some more screenshots of the textures close up.

I found this project to be a great start to the year to ease me back into uni work. Also a not so daunting start to using UE4.

With the final year on a roll, the focus is finding work once I graduate and this project was a great confidence boost to start the year. I feel I could’ve maybe worked on the textures more and maybe tried out different textures of my own. I feel confident about using this engine and hope produce great work throughout the year in this engine.